Fractal Fundamentals: Basics


Simple, effective training

  • Complete overview of initial setup, and I/O
  • Detailed study of the Fractal ecosystem, layout grid, block parameters, series and parallel routing, and mono and stereo 
  • Helpful lessons on the software editors for quick and easy preset building
  • Learn the FC Controllers: build custom layouts, understand unique functionality, and create your own OMG9 layout system

Fractal Fundamentals: Full Access


Master your gear

  • Every lesson included in Basics, plus...
  • Deep dive study into the Amp and Cab blocks: Mastering Fractal's flagship amp modeling
  • How to integrate MIDI: controlling from or sending control to (or both!) the Fractal unit
  • Combining the power of Fractal with a DAW: re-amping, interface setup, and how to automate preset, scene, effect, and other parameter changes
  • Using a tube amp with your Fractal: front end, FX loop, 4CM, and the best of both worlds approach
  • Tone Matching Masterclass!
  • Bonus! Block Breakdowns: Detailed lessons on individual effect blocks, common uses, and how to create your own unique effects!

Unlock the Power of Your Fractal Unit and Master Your Guitar Tone!

Learn the ins and outs of your gear along with my personal tips and tricks for the greatest guitar tone possible!

“This is great! You have gone into subtleties of controls, stereo, switching that I have never considered before.”

“Quite a challenge to offer something different and you are doing that. I am learning a lot! Not bloated with too much detail. Very practical and many usable gems.”

“This was super informative! It was amazing to me how you were able to make a Fender Princeton sound like a Mesa Mark IV by adjusting the tone stack!”

A straightforward, and comprehensive guide to mastering your Fractal gear. 

By the Players; For the Players

Answering the questions YOU want answered... no searching necessary.

A Detailed Look...

into what makes Fractal tick. Learn what the important parameters are, how to control them, and how to sound your absolute best. 

Learn My Special Tips and Tricks

that I've used to get incredible guitar tones in touring environments, houses of worship, in-ear monitoring systems, small clubs and more!Â